Product: Infused Creations: Indica Sour Gummie Bears
Dispensary: The Reserve; 2911 S Tech Center Dr Santa Ana, CA 92705
Price: $16 per pack
Although California is a dreamland for growers and ganjapreneurs, the question still remains: How will legalization affect California? Colorado is currently the recreational marijuana guinea pig and a lot of people guess that future regulations in California are going to mirror those in the Rocky Mountain state. With that in mind, I was devastated to hear that Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed a bill on June 10th that banned the sale of THC-infused gummy candies. Assuming that a similar law may go into effect here in the near future, I went a little crazy on the THC gummy candy front.
Choosing between between THC gummy rings, worms and bears wasn’t easy, so I ended up getting one of each (I’m a glutton, I know). But after sampling all of them over a span of several days, it was no contest— the Infused Creations Sour Gummie Bears were the best. Each package has roughly 30-35 multi-colored bears and 300mg of THC cumulatively. So if we assume that every bear is created equal, that means each gummy is medicated with 10mg of THC. The gummies seem less daunting now, don’t they?
The taste of cannabis is definitely prevalent in each bear, but the squishy texture and burst of sour fruit flavor makes it easy to demolish the whole bag. But for the first time ever, I didn’t over do it. I stuck with one sour gummy bear and put the bag away before the munchies took over my better judgement— I’ve made that mistake one too many times.
Within 45 minutes I started feeling sleepy, but I remembered that it was a big day in the soccer world: it was the Copa America quarter finals. This realization sent energy shooting through my veins—and that’s when I realized I was stoned. I popped right out of my melting state, ran into my room and put on my baby-blue and white striped Argentina jersey. Within minutes I zoomed out the front door and headed to the Olde Ship (in an Uber, of course) to watch the Argentina vs. Venezuela match.
Once I got there, however, I realized I made the biggest stoner move of all: I grabbed the wrong purse on my way out. The only things in my bag were three dollars in cash, my phone, an amethyst, my passport and a random nug. Alas, my wallet, cards and other belongings were at home in my new purse that I’d switched into earlier that day. I shook my head in disbelief of my mindlessness. But I had already Ubered to the bar, so there was no going back.
Luckily I was able to barter with some fellow Argentina supporters for some beer. I ended up telling them the story of how I ate a marijuana gummy bear before arriving to the Ship and grabbed the wrong purse on accident when I left. The girlfriend of the guy I was talking to looks at me and says, “Weed gummies are my favorite! I just moved here from Colorado, and I heard they recently banned these back home!” And like clockwork, she reaches into her purse and pulls out a bag of THC gummy worms. “The gummies can really getcha sometimes,” she laughed.
My hands clutched the sides of my face like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. I couldn’t believe she pulled out a bag of gummies.
“They really can,” I said to her, “and they definitely did.”