Former and present Tonight Show host Jay Leno got a bad rap over the past several years from big city audiences who didn't get his made-for-middle-America humor. His on-again off-again relationship with the late night NBC’s television staple program and all that drama with Conan O'Brien didn't help things much, either. But having seen Leno live, there is no doubt that the man is very funny. Super funny. Like, the size of his chin to his face is in direct proportion to the level of comedic joy he is capable of, funny. His stand up is a knock out, and you’d be lucky to see this classic comedian live. So do it, won’t ya? He doesn't come down our way too often, so get tickets now.
Sat., Sept. 27, 8 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 28, 3 p.m., 2014