Kasugai Konpeito Candy

Name: Kasugai Konpeito Candy

Origin: Japan

Found at: Freshia, Tustin

Cost: $2.49


Sugar, FD & C Yellow No. 5, FD & C Yellow No. 6, FD & C Blue No. 1.

Why I Bought It:
Moth balls. They first looked like moth balls. Further research revealed that these candies, which are obviously just rock sugar, have a more storied history. The name itself, konpeito, is derived from the Portuguese word, confeito, which means candy. This, along with tempura, are thought to have been introduced to Japan by Portuguese traders. Those that remember Miyazaki's Spirited Away might recognize them. It was to the film like Reese's Pieces was to E.T.


Tasting Notes:
There's not much to add here. If you've tasted rock candy, you'll have an idea, because this is rock candy. The only exceptional thing is that shape, which acts like sugary cleats on your tongue.

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