Fans looking forward to the Like Totally Music Festival are gonna have to keep their flashback ‘80s wardrobe in the closet this weekend as organizers announced the event is canceled the day before it was set to take place in Huntington Beach on Saturday.
This morning the festival announced the cancellation via Facebook with plans to reschedule:
“We are very saddened to announce the cancellation of the Like Totally Music Festival this Saturday, May 11th. We unfortunately have issues we cannot resolve to continue and for the safety and well-being of the bands and fans we have to make this decision. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are working on rescheduling the festival for a later date and tickets will be honored at that time.”
Scott Tucker of Sellout Events says these issues stem from their company’s difficulties getting the required permits to through the festival at the designated concert area in the sand just off of Magnolia St.
“Obviously when you’re erecting a stage or building anything they want permits and when you’re doing stuff on the sand it’s even more and it’s state property so they’re even more on it because any accidents could be litigious,” Tucker says.
Given the amount of concerts and festivals happening in the area, officials in charge of granting permits for state property are getting more strict on the regulations and require a third party walk-through of the site to verify that all the infrastructure for the festival is up to code. Tucker says that all the way up until yesterday, the festival was not supplied with proper documents from a third party engineer that would allow them to clear inspection for the walk through.

“It got to the point where on something with this size and scope at what point do you stop it?” Tucker says. “We had a walk through scheduled for today and the third party engineer said they were going to make a decision at that point. But they said if things are not in order we can’t approve your permit. I didn’t have any choice, we had to call it off.”
The news comes just two days after the festival’s headliner The Bangles pulled out of the festival due to a contract issue with the organizers which was not disclosed. Heading into it’s fourth year, LTMF’s slated roster of performers included Public Image LTd., ABC with Martin Fry, The Romantics, The Smithereens featuring Marshall Crenshaw, The Tubes, Tommy Tutone and more. According to Tucker all of the performers minus The Bangles have agreed to perform for the rescheduled date which has yet to be announced.
In previous years, the event was held in a different location off of Pacific Coast Highway on concrete which meant the festival had little to no issues securing permits. “We ran into pitfalls with the new layout,” Tucker says. “We’re not gonna try to do a reschedule date on the sand. Our crowd’s older it’s not the Warped Tour/Observatory crowd. We get 40-60 year olds…we’re going to go back to what we do which is city street shutdowns, parks in Long Beach, things like that where we have great relationships, the layout figured out and everything else.”
People that paid in full should have the option to be reimbursed asap. If the new scheduled date doesn’t work for them they shouldn’t have to wait to get their money back.
We drove 5 hours from Fresno (and 5 back home) and got screwed for an expensive room at The Waterfront Hilton so to say we’re pissed off is an understatement. we better get our money back for all the VIP tickets I bought like an idiot. Not interested in it being rescheduled. Not that stupid! Feel like it should be renamed “Like TOtally Screwed”
Scott Tucker and the SellOut Productions crew are known throughout the local music scene as carnies who deal dirty and do things like call the state to try to get other festivals shutdown. Given their garbage reputation and history of shady dealings, this comes as absolutely no surprise. Hopefully everyone who sank money into this gets full refunds or takes legal action to do so.
It’s HB white trash–what do you expect?
You must be a Liberal… full of hate and its against my city who has NOTHING to do with this show.
Go look in the mirror and see what is wrong with the world…….YOU…
So far, all we get are empty apologies and promises to reschedule. That’s just wrong. Where are the refunds?
Will not be attending a “rescheduled” festival and want my refund. for VIP Tix x2.
Still no refund! 300 plus fees!
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