If you're a sportsfan watching the Lakers choke miserably in the NBA Playoffs ,then you've likely seen the commercials for the upcoming TBS show, “Men at Work,” starring Danny Masterson, James Lesure, Michael Cassidy, and Adam Busch. It's been a while since a sitcom caught our attention but this comedy that stars four funny guys has us intrigued. When we asked Lesure to talk with us briefly about his upcoming show, we were just expecting to hear a few tid bits about his new show. What we got were a few untold secrets about one of the men behind “Men”–namely his secret love of karaoke, and something else most men in SoCal rarely admit to liking: the Celtics.
OC Weekly (Ali Lerman): So I've noticed there have been tons of promos for your new show Men at Work during basketball.
James Lesure: Yeah! [Laughs.] Forgive us but we just want to let people know that we think we have a good product! We're trying to dominate your world, I hope you're okay with that. I mean, do they entice you and make you want to see it?
I for sure want to see it and I hope this doesn't make you give me one word answers for the rest of the interview, but…I saw you at the Celtics game cheering for my Sixers to lose.
Oh no! I think it might affect it! I was there and I was cheering for the Sixers to lose and for the Celtics to win, I had a whole other objective. This does kind of conflict, I'm sorry about that. [Laughs.]
How does a Cali boy end up liking the Celtics?
The thing is, I follow my favorite players and for the last few years my favorites have been Steve Nash and Kevin Garnett. So when Kevin Garnett went to the Celtics, I kind of really started digging that team. With Ray Allen and Paul Pierce being prominent players, I really started to support them.
OK that aside, I hear you are also a big fan of karaoke. What's your “go to” song?
Yes I am! I've got two karaoke systems where I live and four microphones. We get down! I've recently started to love that Jay-Z and Alicia Keys song, “New York.” There's also an O'Jays song that I like called, “Used to be My Girl.” I do much better with the raps than carrying a tune.
Well you did pretty well as a back-up Pip when you were on the show Las Vegas….
[Laughs.] Oh you are very complimentary Ali and I like that! We'll have to get together at some point in life and let you rip.
Ha! You'd be begging for ear plugs, I sing awful. You know the promos for “Men at Work” have been pretty complimentary as well. I heard one saying something about “these mid to late 20's guys.” How much you love that?
[Laughs.] I am older than my character but if I am still pulling off the late twenties, I'll take it!
What kind of guy is your character Gibbs?
Gibbs is a worldwide type fella. He's got a worldly perspective about him. He's energized, confident and he's fun.
A lot of people say that they draw inspiration from real life, is there any Gibbs in you?
Hmm. I feel like he's a lot more extroverted than I am. I tend to be quieter so that is something that I think is different. We have tolerance that is similar but he's very open to different types of people and I feel like I am to a point as well. We both have an appreciation of females as well so we have that in common. And we both look like we are in our twenties. [Laughs.]
Why should we tune in to watch Men at Work?
I think it'll be thirty minutes of fun. I know that I have a few shows that I enjoy watching and I like to think that is what we are going to give the world. I am interested to see how the show comes out and the reaction to it. I would love to entertain you so I hope you all will watch! Oh and one last thing, go Celtics!
Tune in to see James and the cast of Men at Work this Thursday (May 24th) at 10pm on TBS and follow the show on Twitter @MenatWorkTBS. You can also see more of what James is up to on his website www.JamesLesure.com.
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Ali Lerman knows much about comedy, basketball, and celebrating Wu-Tang Wednesday. She’s been writing for sixteen years and still calls her mom with grammatical questions.