In a manner of speaking, the European knights of the Medieval and Renaissance periods were the original metal heads.
Not only was their armor meant for protection during battle, but it also carried significant information and identification of their clan and country of origin.
Bowers Museum presents a one-of-a-kind exhibit that brings (in stunningly preserved condition) plenty of original European armor, helmets, shields, swords, paintings and other knightly objects from the Medieval era to the Romantic Medieval revival of the 1800s, straight from the Museo Stibbert of Florence, Italy.
This exhibit aims to showcase the gorgeous craftsmanship and detail of these authentic metal cast body suits that helped armies battle for god and country. Not to be missed!
Knights in Armor at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, (714) 567-3600; www.bowers.org. 10 a.m. $20-$23. Opens Saturday and continues through Jan. 13, 2019.
Aimee Murillo is calendar editor and frequently covers film and previously contributed to the OCW’s long-running fashion column, Trendzilla. Don’t ask her what her favorite movie is unless you want to hear her lengthy defense of Showgirls.