Crowdsourced: Flaming Lips at the Fox Theater

We'll have plenty of more in-depth coverage (more characters) of Tuesday night's Flaming Lips show at the Fox Theater in Pomona in the morning, but for now, enjoy these Twitter posts from fans at the wild, joyous, confetti-filled and fire alarm-tripping evening. Spoiler alert: people were into it. (PS, check out our many tweets from the show here.)

@boogieordie Weirdest celeb spotting yet: John Walsh in the Flaming Lips dressing room
(Albert's note: Can totally vouch for this, saw him in the crowd. Weird indeed!)

@lolitapepita future husband better f***ing adore flaming lips!! and feel like crying when witnessing live performance of “do you realize”

@stelleri Dammit, why must The Flaming Lips be so awesome?

@annahinks the flaming lips are PURE MAGIC N EUPHORIA live. wayne coyne is some kind of demi-god. easily the best concert i've ever been to.

@xDerek Fucking WOW!!! the flaming lips blew me away. one of the greatest shows ive ever seen

@DavidSPinder So much confetti. So many balloons. So much perfection. The Flaming Lips @ The Fox Theater 8/18

@patrickhuffine: The bottom of my pants smell like beer and confetti. #flaminglipstour

@markmcconville The smoke from Flaming Lips just set off the fire alarm. They now have no power. Awkward…

@CarltonBeener Awesome! Flaming Lips just set off the fire alarm! Smells like sulfur in here.

@EXYtasy I just saw the flaming lips birthed from a digital vagina.

@TsunamiSkweek Ghostland observatory sorts disappointed. But Flaming Lips next!

@xDerek Fuck this is already fun and the flaming lips hasnt even started

@proudmonkeymama The Fox Theater Pomona may be a new fave venue

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