Crowdsourced: Modest Mouse at the Grove of Anaheim

You've heard what clubs editor Spencer Kornhaber thought about Saturday night's Modest Mouse show at the Grove of Anaheim, and sure, it was great, and we all loved reading it. But what of the rest of the showgoing public? Why, that's what Twitter is for, friends. Enjoy these nuggets of 140-character-or-less wisdom from the big gig. Apparently the openers, the Night Marchers (whom we wrote about in this past week's Weekly), didn't win over some folks. It happens.

@strider820 Modest mouse concert, first band: FAIL

@ANN_Bamboo At a Modest Mouse concert. The opening band reeks of douchebag.

@KZimZam Apparently im clothed in the sound of rock n roll. Maybe i really will be when Modest Mouse comes on.

@japanese_motors Hanging out w/ Modest Mouse @ the Grove of Anaheim. One of the guys working here has a great jheri curl!

@grumptastic The kids are smoking the pot in the bathroom at the Modest Mouse show N the chick in front of me in line is SPUN OUT
(Albert's note: no one likes a narc, grumptastic!)

@WhiteGoodman Night Marchers killed it. But probably didn't make any new fans. Modest Mouse up next.

@AshEckenweiler Modest Mouse at Grove. Mmmmm

@skornhaber Hahaha fist fight at a Modest Mouse show. People suck.
(Albert's note: that's our Spencer! He needs more followers.)

@brettpatrick Modest mouse @
Grove in Anaheim…good times

@killthehorn Modest mouse fans are Fucking crazy!

@samsquintz Modest Mouse just finished playing. They were freaking AWESOME! Great F'n show.

@doseON3 Modest mouse was amazing loved it!!!

@meaghannotmegan Modest mouse! Oh my god awesome! They didnt play king rat or all night diner…but they still rocked!

@sexytyranno Modest mouse live: phenominal. Their opener: FAIL! Now a dive bar to giggle at the terrible kereoke then home…
(Albert's note: spelling FAIL!)

@WhiteGoodman Modest Mouse played “Baby Blue Sedan.” I've seen the band probably 6 or 7 times and they've never played that song before. Awesome.

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