Kanye West/Lady Gaga Anaheim Show (And Tour) in Doubt?

That previously announced Kanye West/Lady Gaga “Fame Kills” tour, scheduled to stop at the Honda Center in Anaheim on November 15? Yeah, now there's some amount of uncertainty to if that whole thing's actually happening.

The most damning piece of evidence: as pointed out by sources including the LA Times, the tour has completely disappeared from Ticketmaster's site. “We currently do not have any tickets on-sale for Kanye West.” OK, sure, but a lot of big shows these days sell all their tickets directly through Live Nation. Let's see what they say: “Sorry! We don't have any Kanye West tickets or concert listings at this time. Please check back soon!” Hmm. Odd. This page on Live Nation's site, though, that individually lists the November 15 show at the Honda Center, is stil up (albeit listing tickets as “unavailable”); nothing on the Honda Center's site mentions the show, though. Pollstar is still listing the full tour on their database.

Prevailing speculation is that the show is being re-thought in wake of the Taylor Swift Incident; likely not called-off completely, but waiting for things to die down a bit before making any “official” announcements, on-sale dates or ticket prices. But that seems wrong for a couple of reasons: if any time was opportune to announce a Kanye West tour, it's now, right? If “no press is bad press” holds true, then this is a perfect opportunity to capitalize on the still-incessant headlines over the MTV Video Music Awards hype.

Also, even if Live Nation, Kanye or Lady Gaga haven't “officially” announced the tour, it's been announced. The dates have been reported everywhere by now, and you can't really put that genie back in the bottle. In this day and age, pretty much every announcement has a “pre-announcement,” and large corporations have gotten better at reacting to that. The LA Times blog quotes a Lady Gaga spokesman as saying, “Live Nation has yet to officially announce the tour and the correct routing,” which is sort of puzzling, seeing as how the dates were on their official website and all that.

So, basically: the Anaheim show on November 15 is probably going to happen. But it may still be a while before anyone involved actually admits that.

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