Saturday: Guns N' Roses' Steven Adler to perform with DJ RUSH at Sutra

There are some collaborations you just never expect to see in your life time, but they happen anyway…Nelly and Tim McGrawMichael Jackson and Paul McCartneyPaula Abdul and MC Skat Cat. But famous Guns N' Roses drummer Steven Adler with DJ RUSH? Now that's just crazy. After reading Adler's latest blog post about his upcoming performance at Sutra in Costa Mesa this Saturday (Dec. 19), you might wonder if Adler needs to pay another visit to Dr. Drew:

Attention Orange County Fans!!! This will be a unique blend of modern, old-school, funk, hip hop disco,dance, and rock'n'roll all mixed together by DJ RUSH for your listening/dancing pleasure. I will have a full drum set and will be customizing the beats.

What???? Disco? We will definitely give this recovering rock legend the benefit of the doubt when it comes to new musical endeavors post Celebrity Rehab, but a word to the wise for  GNR fans: Keep an open mind. Waaaayyyyy open. Are you ready to hear an 80s drum god jamming along to Lady Gaga? Check out the video clips of Adler's rehearsal w/ DJ RUSH after the jump. 


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