TONIGHT: Gestapo Khazi, Wounded Lion, Frustrations, and Tijuana Panthers at The Prospector

As much as all of us music writers would like to believe it, we know that sometimes readers don't always get to the bottom of every article. And even if you manage to make it all the way through the story, sometimes the awesomeness of what you just read prohibits you from going further down and looking at the plug for the show that the artists is playing that week.

Well, in case you missed that small part of Chris Ziegler's article on L.A. band Wounded Lion this week, have no fear. This is your official reminder that the band is playing along side Gestapo Khazi, Tijuana Panthers and Frustrations tonight at The Prospector.

Featuring a mixture of local talent from Long Beach and beyond (Frustrations are from Detroit), this line up is six stringed buffet of riotous guitar driven garage punk. We can definitely attest to the credibility of the local acts GK and TP, and in many cases we have in our pages over the last year or so. And if our stamp of approval won't convince you, than just look at the little sombrero boy on this flier. Can you really say no that face? The show starts at 10 p.m. 

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