WTF File: Kanye West's short film “We Were Once A Fairy Tale” directed by Spike Jonze

You gotta hand it to Kanye, he's never too self-conscious to take a risk. Over the weekend, his short film, We Were Once A Fairy Tale, directed by Spike Jonze (currently riding high on his Where The Wild Things Are success), finally unveiled itself to the masses following almost two month's worth of internet hype and speculation. The film, clocking in at a brisk 11 minutes, shows West in what most people would perceive to be his natural state of VMA-style jackassery as he stumbles around intoxicated in a packed night club to the beat of his own song “See You In My Nightmares” off of 808s and Heartbreak. 

At first, every sarcastic bone in your body wants to credit this bizarrely accurate portrayal of a drunk celebrity to West's wealth of real life experience that allowed him to prepare for the role. Even the part where he projectile vomits all over the bathroom and air humps a suspiciously sexy barroom ghost before passing out on a couch. Sounds weird, huh? Wait 'til you get to the end. In the interest of not spoiling it for people who haven't already seen this, we're going to shut up about how the film ends, although if blood, guts and cuddly suicidal goblins tend to make you uneasy you might want to just skip this one. But for those of you who were bummed about Kanye and Lady Gaga canceling their tour stop in OC next month, maybe the ending will bring you some sense of bloody comfort. Click the jump to see the video and afterwards we can play the fun game of “guess the deluded superstar's cinematic metaphor.”

We Were Once A Fairy Tale

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