Anti-Immigrant Racist Group Will Protest at HB Pier This Saturday

Last Saturday a bunch of anti-immigration activists from a group called gathered at the Huntington Beach pier to, in the group's own words, “inspire White people to take up its cause.” They'd appeared there a few times in the past few months without incident, but this time were met by a small group of anarchist counter-protesters led by Naui Huitzilopochtli, a local immigrant- and indigenous-rights activist and the best YouTube blogger around.

Now, we've just received word that the folks enjoyed that event so much, they're coming back to the pier this Saturday from 12 to 3 pm. Anyone interested in helping Naui humiliate these knucklehead peckerwoods now knows where and when to show up.

You don't have to be an anarchist to oppose, which isn't your run-of-the-mill borderline-racist group like Barbara Coe's California Coalition for Immigration Reform. These guys are closet Nazis, through and through, skinheads who let their hair grow a few centimeters. On the group's website you won't find any swastikas, just a lot of American flags and the following pithy observations:

*”The deterioration of American society post 1960 can be traced almost
directly to the about face decided upon by our governing establishment
concerning immigration policy half way through that decade. Really, the
very character of our country as one possessing a unified interest and
intent could be said to have been lost around that time. Our nation has
since suffered an identity crisis, one whose tortured expression daily
illustrates the very root of our calamity.”

*”American citizenship was never meant to be held by Third World
degenerates. The principles by which our nation stands are wholly
incompatible with those sentiments expressed in spray paint on East Los
Angeles billboards. America was founded by high minded and incredibly
intelligent Europeans who understood that a political system such as
they envisioned was fit only for those whose born capacity for self
governance was equal to the mighty task of its fulfillment.”

“Our race is rapidly losing an entire nation because successive
generations of Majority Americans have continually refused to defend
from predatory interests the very ground beneath our feet. We have
literally allowed ourselves to be pushed aside as hordes of Mexicans
and other non-white invaders chase us from neighborhood to
neighborhood, a phenomenon known as “white-flight.” There will soon be nowhere left for our people to go.”

Oh yes there will be. There will still be a special place for you people to go, don't doubt that for a second. It's called the Orange County Register's reader comments section.

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