Dishney: Gay Days at Disneyland, Oct. 2-4

Get those red shirts ready: Gay Days at Disneyland is returning this October 2-4.

While it's not officially endorsed by Disney (who doesn't endorse any group entering the park), Gay Days organizers say that Disney is “wonderfully supportive” of the event and are involved in all official aspects of the event, including hotel room blocks.

Last year, Disney cash cow Miley Cyrus made headlines when plans for her 16th birthday party interrupted the already organized Gay Days weekend–the park was shut down for the Hannah Montana starlet's celebration. Luckily, and here's where that “wonderfully supportive” thing kicks in, Disney only closed the park after 5 p.m. and accommodated Gay Days guests at California Adventure, which had extended its hours to 11 p.m. Aw. (Kind of.) 

Similar Gay Days events are celebrated all around the world at Disney parks, including Paris, Orlando and Hong Kong. The groups choose to wear red (there's even an official shirt available right here) to identify participants, a tradition started by Florida's Gay Days.

After the jump: A rundown of the weekend's schedule, a look at the hilarious haters of Gay Days and a super cute promo video from Gay Days Anaheim.

The weekend's events feature a jam-packed schedule, including cocktail
parties, a kick-off party at the Jazz Kitchen, singles events,
scavenger hunts and more–for a complete list, check out the comprehensive schedule here.

Of course, Gay Days isn't without its vocal bigots and opponents, just check out this terrifying article that criticizes the “shocking behavior” of Gay Days participants
filed under “Evils in America.” The phrase “orgy of depravity” is even
thrown out there. Some even say that Disney should announce ahead of
time if a Gay Days weekend is scheduled–so they can shield their kids
from the contagious gayness. Or something.

Anyway: Are you planning on attending? We'll see you there!

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