Hey, You!

Now we can explain to you why we did what we did. We thought the abandoned parasailing board belonged to the man who was being airlifted into the nearby helicopter. After all, there wasn't another soul within half a mile. The lifeguard station looked like the best place for the board's safekeeping. Twenty minutes later, you clarified any doubt as to the real owner when you ran past us with board in hand. You were mad as a hornet, yelling, “Next time, leave it! Bullshit!” Our Good Samaritan bubble burst. Maybe we should have taken up the two tweakers' offer and let them find a new home for your board.

Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations—changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent—to “Hey, You!” c/o OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701-7417, or e-mail us at



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