No Fast Times at Obama High for Orange Unified Trustees

The Orange Unified School District is known for racking up national academic honors, three of its high schools consistently making Newsweek's “1,000 Best Public High Schools in America,” and elementary and middle schools there continually scoring above average on standardized tests.

The district is also known for recalls of its Board of Trustees, constituents having elected mad hatter Steve Rocco to that board, and an unsuccessful attempt to bounce El Modena High's Gay-Straight Alliance off campus.

Here's something the district apparently won't be known for: the Barack H. Obama Leadership Academy Charter High


The Orange County Register reports the board is expected Thursday night to deny a petition for the proposed charter school named
after the president.

Birthers queen Orly Taitz did not get to trustees, the California Education Code did.

State standards dictate such schools present a sound educational program and a probability that teachers will allow successful implementation of the program and
that enough parents sign on interested in placing their children at the charter school.

Obama High's 400-page petition fails to show that, trustee Mark Wyland tells the Register.

“It doesn't meet the specific requirements for a charter school in
multiple areas,” Wyland reportedly said. “For somebody to get a charter school in
our area, they're going to have to do a really good job and present
their case.”

Unless backers can convince enough other board members otherwise, the only California charter schools named after the Chosen One so far are Barack Obama
Charter School in Compton and Barack Obama Academy in Oakland.

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