Serial Pedophile Who Bought 5-Year-Old Vietnamese Sex Slave is Up For Parole

A convicted California serial pedophile who despises Jews, cops and African Americans and who forced a kindergarten-age girl he purchased in Vietnam to become a sex slave to not only himself but also his German shepherd and basset hound, both males, becomes eligible for parole in December.

George Joseph England–a self-proclaimed Christian who remains unrepentant, according to law enforcement sources–is scheduled to make his pitch for freedom to the parole board after lunch on Monday inside Salinas Valley State Prison, where the 65-year-old Quebec, Canada native and U.S. Army veteran is housed.

Not surprisingly, the thought of England's return to society alarms Orange County district attorney Tony Rackauckas.

“The only way to stop England is to keep him in prison away from young girls,” Rackauckas said today. “My district attorney's office will do everything in our legal arsenal to make sure he never again has access to little girls.”

Though his office is cutting back on parole hearing attendance thanks to budget shortfalls, Rackauckas is dispatching Rebecca Olivieri, one of his veteran deputies, to England's hearing in Soledad. Olivieri will ask the parole board to keep the child molester in custody to the maximum allowable date: December 2013.

Yes, that's right–just four years from now. 
Thanks to legal technicalities, England is the beneficiary of weak
California sentencing laws for sexual predators in 1977, the year he
was convicted of molesting three American minors–ages 8, 9 and 10–in
Costa Mesa and fled the state with the Vietnamese girl before
sentencing. For 29 years, England eluded justice and, court reports
viewed by the Weekly show, continued to rape a series of girls.

April 2005, the FBI–working in conjunction with ace Orange County
District Attorney (OCDA) investigator Clint McCall and the U.S.
Department of State's Diplomatic Security Service–located England in
Miami, where he was using the identity of a deceased person. After
extradition, he was sentenced under the old California statute to serve
three, one-year-to-life sentences with early parole rights.

discount the delusional abilities of certain criminals. England saw
himself as a victim. Claiming his convictions were unfair and his
punishment too harsh, he appealed to a state appellate court in Santa
Ana in 2006. In its November 2007 ruling, a three-justice panel headed
by William Bedsworth noted that England had sought leniency immediately
after his 1977 trial by portraying himself as a mentally deranged sex
offender needing psychological counseling. He also noted that Orange
County court officials had destroyed the transcript of his trial in
1983 and, therefore, he argued, there was no official evidence of his
crimes. The appellate panel wasn't impressed. It affirmed the

At the upcoming parole hearing, Olivieri is
likely to recount the contents of law enforcement investigative files
that show England is nothing less than a monster. The following
account, which he disputes as the wild imagination of a girl, is based
on those records:

In 1972, while working in a civilian
electronics job in South Vietnam, a 28-year-old England bought
then-5-year-old Thi My Lan Nguyen from her mother. He took Nguyen–an
Amerasian born in 1967 from the union of a U.S. soldier and a
Vietnamese woman–to a Bangkok, Thailand, hotel, injected a needle into
her body, watched her fall unconscious and raped her for the first
time. For several months, he and the minor traveled together in India
and Japan, where he raped a 13-year-old girl in her presence.

Nguyen turned 6, England moved her to Hawaii and then California, where
they lived in a motor home parked in the rear of a Costa Mesa apartment
complex near Harbor Boulevard and the 55 Freeway. He was caught
molesting three girls in 1976. The Vietnamese girl, then 9 years old,
denied she was a victim. Investigators later discovered she'd been
sexually assaulted five days a week for years and had witnessed England
orally copulate a six-month-old girl after tricking unsuspecting
parents into a babysitting gig.

After the convictions and pre-sentencing escape from California, the
fugitive took the Vietnamese girl by bus to Texas and then to Fort
Lauderdale, Florida. He enrolled her into school under the lie that he'd legally adopted her and took a job at a
factory. Inside his trailer home, he abused alcohol, marijuana and
cocaine. He forced Nguyen to drink alcohol. He drilled a hole in the bathroom wall so he could spy on the
girl and any friends who'd come to play with her.

During this timeframe, England continued on his path to hell, adding a
bestiality element to his twisted repertoire. On repeated occasions, he
stripped the then-10-year-old girl, rubbed fresh hamburger patties on
her crotch as foreplay and allowed his two dogs to lick her and
penetrate her both vaginally and anally, according to police reports.
The German shepherd eventually became so “out of control” with desire,
England got rid of him.

The insults to humanity didn't stop there. England got the Vietnamese
girl pregnant for the first time when she turned 13. He attempted to
abort the child but it was too late, and in 1981 their baby boy was
born. A suspicious social worker investigated, causing England to
concoct a story that one of the girl's schoolmates had impregnated her
at a party. The tale worked. The child was given up for adoption.

However, continued unprotected sex led to “numerous” abortions.
By age 16, the girl–who'd been brainwashed to distrust police
since childhood–had attempted suicide several times. When she became an
adult, she moved away but didn't share her secret with authorities.

Meanwhile, the 5-foot-8 and 158-pound England spent the 1990s living in
Riviera Beach and Miami, working as a messenger for Cellular One and
enjoying regular boat outings. In 2003, he attempted to obtain a passport using a name of a dead Santa Barbara infant, Stephen Arthur Seagoe.

Two years later, Nguyen told a neighbor, an FBI agent, of her ordeal with a man using the name Seagoe. An investigation unmasked Seagoe as the fugitive England. At the time of his arrest, he possessed child
pornography titles on his computer such as “Dog N Girl,”
“12-year-old Japanese losses her virginity,” “Baby J compilation” and
“8, 9, 10 and 11-year-old girls drugged N violated.”

Because of statute of limitations, England can never be charged with his alleged crimes against Nguyen.

In 2006, veteran Orange County Register court reporter Larry Welborn flew to Florida and obtained an exclusive interview with Nguyen. Twice married, twice divorced and the mother of a teenage son, she allowed him to reveal her birth name because she hasn't used it since 1972. She explained the brainwashing and threats she'd experienced. She wondered why her mother would sell her to a stranger during the war. She volunteered that she remains angry, but is trying to be a loving mother to her own son.

“I could have let this whole thing turn me into a bitter, horrible person,” Nguyen told Welborn. “But I chose not to.”

England may tell the parole board on Monday that he's not suited for
prison. According to confidential law enforcement records, he's
complained that he's claustrophobic and needs taxpayer-funded Xanax to
calm his thoughts. But there is, perhaps, evidence of heavenly
intervention. Incarcerated, the biggest physical sensation he
regularly experiences is the feeling of “a bunch of ants biting my


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