Christian Dorscht, the 13-year-old dragged by an off-duty Los Angeles policeman in Anaheim before he pulled a gun and fired a shot near him, has just been released from Orange County Juvenile Hall, the Weekly has learned. Anaheim police arrested him yesterday in the after-school altercation that’s gone viral for alleged battery and criminal threats. Johnny Dorscht, Christian’s father, tells the Weekly his son has never been in trouble with the law before. (In the video, Christian can be heard claiming that his father is a cop; according to Dorscht, Christian’s stepfather is a police officer).
“What I’ve been told is that my son told the off-duty cop, ‘I’m going to sue you for hitting me. I’m a minor,'” says Dorscht, saying his son was attacked first. In the now-infamous video, the sunglasses-wearing officer continually accuses Christian of saying he was going to “shoot him,” which became grounds for the criminal threats arrest in the cop’s mind. Dorscht believes that all his kid did was stand up for a girl after the off-duty cop allegedly called the teen a “cunt” for stepping on his grass.
Dorscht, who lives in Arizona, heard about what happened from Christian’s mother, Alma Jimenez yesterday. “She was crying, trying to let me know everything that was going on,” he says. Dorscht immediately called his godmother, Elena Medina Torres, a Santa Ana-based attorney. “She waited about an hour or two hours to finally talk to my son when she got there to the scene,” Dorscht said. He also said that the 17 or so teens who witnessed the altercation were all taken to the police station by officers, where cops interviewed them about what happened. When anxious parents showed up to wait, police treated them rudely.
Jimenez took various photographs of her son after he’d been taken into custody. They show wrist bruises where he was cuffed and other markings along his neck from the LAPD cop’s grabbing-and-dragging routine.
“I’m pretty pissed off about what happened,” Dorscht says. “You could talk to anybody, my son has very good manners. He does good in school and isn’t disrespectful or anything like that.”
The case will be presented to the Orange County District Attorney’s office, who’ll decide on charges, if any. Spokesperson Susan Kang Schroeder hasn’t responded to the Weekly‘s request for comment on the matter, but we’ll publish it when we receive it.
“We’re going to find legal representation and be suing,” Dorscht says. “This is B.S. Even the cops, when they got there, they had all the kids down. They didn’t even go after the guy.”

Gabriel San Román is from Anacrime. He’s a journalist, subversive historian and the tallest Mexican in OC. He also once stood falsely accused of writing articles on Turkish politics in exchange for free food from DönerG’s!
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