Tonight, the Orange Unified School District is taking an extraordinary step, one anathema to the Orange County mind: admitting that our discriminatory present past was wrong and honoring those brave souls who fought those wrongs only to get disappeared by local historians.
The conservative board is issuing a proclamation honoring Lorenzo; his wife, Josefina (who's still feisty even in her 90s); and their children for fighting for “educational equity for all of our nation's children.” The proclamation gives a brief summary of Ramirez's life and cites it as an “inspiration to students, parents, educators and other community members” because the Ramirezes stood “up for American ideals” and gave a “significant and lasting contribution to the quality of education in Orange, California, and across the nation,” one “deserv[ing of] our gratitude.” Kudos to the board for referring to the case by its proper name instead of the shorthand that has unfortunately taken hold in popular discourse.
The Ramirez family will be in attendance tonight, along with supporters. And rumor has it that the board is at least considering renaming a school after Lorenzo. And so our Sunkist memories finally fade into the past . . .
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