We're excited to party with you, our fine readers and foodies, at our 10th annual Decadence event tonight! Opportunities to pig out will be ample, with free tastings from 45 restaurants and beer, wine, and spirits vendors.
The event is held this year at the beautiful Rancho Las Lomas Resort and Zoological Garden in Silverado, so yes, there will be tigers.
Be show to show off how much fun you're having by using the hashtag #OCWDecadence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We just might use your pictures or tweets on our site! Be sure to check back on Monday for plenty of post coverage.
Oh, and the event is sold out so tough tamales if you didn't buy tickets–we told you!
Who wants to take bets on which of us Weeklings are going to end up in the tiger cage first?
Follow Stick a Fork In It on Twitter @ocweeklyfood or on Facebook! And don't forget to download our free Best Of App here!
When not running the OCWeekly.com and OC Weekly’s social media sites, Taylor “Hellcat” Hamby can be found partying like it’s 1899.