Everyone loves cookies, especially when they’re homemade. Unless you enjoy the taste of plastic, store bought treats are flavor deficient. They also lack love—the secret ingredient that takes home baked goods to the next level. Edibles also suffer from a variation of this problem. The difference is that most edible companies were making oil and harvesting cannabis in some form before they decided to make laced snacks. Thus, baking isn’t necessarily their gift. This is my theory as to why most edibles taste like your eating skunked grass.
But Dr. Norm’s Cookies are different. These Famous Amos-sized cookies taste like carefully crafted chocolate chip delights dipped in love. The recipe, according to the founder, has been in his family for generations. His mother, who was known as magician in the kitchen, made sure her homemade chocolate chip cookies were always in stock. The owners father Dr. Norm was the reason she always kept them around—he was obsessed with them.
This legendary, old school family recipe was perfected long before the herb came into the equation. So adding cannabis oil was really more of an added ingredient, rather than something a recipe was designed around. And the result is confection perfection.
What’s also groovy about these cookies is that they come in various low doses of THC: 5mg, 10mg and 25mg. So instead of taking a bite of a cookie or eating a whole one and being loaded for hours, you can enjoy several—the way you would any other snack (especially if you have the munchies).
$15 Blüm; 2911 Tech Center Dr., Santa Ana, Ca., 92705