The most unappreciated journalist in California by far is our own R. Scott Moxley—BY FAR. In his 21 years at this infernal rag, all he’s done is get at least two innocent people out of jail; end the careers of Congressman Bob “B1-CHAVALA” Dornan and myriad other politicians; get into prison former sheriff Mike Carona and a couple of his underlings; fight white supremacists, anti-gay activists and general losers; currently have OCDA Tony Rackauckas and Sheriff Sandra Hutchens on the run; AND forever antagonize OCDA spokesperson Susan Kang Schroeder—and all of this while expected to do special issue blurbs about every three months. And his 2016? Between leading the charge in OC’s snitch scandal, getting at least three cases overturned by appellate courts after cover stories, and getting named Reporter of the Year by the LA Press Club, it’s been a great one for il capo di tutti capi among California’s investigative reporter set.
2017 is already starting awesome for Mox. Over the weekend, the Society of Professional Journalists’ Los Angeles chapter announced he’s one of their Distinguished Journalists. The prestigious category goes to folks “who demonstrate good news judgement, a strong sense of ethics and a passion for getting the story right”—and that’s Mox in a heartbeat. Awards ceremony will be in January. He’s the second OC Weekly reporter honored as an SPJ/LA Distinguished Journalist, after yours truly—not bad for an infernal rag, amiright?
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