Yeah, yeah, so Mitt Romney was the big (or not-so-big) winner of Super Tuesday, but Rick Santorum didn't do too bad; he at least made off with an uber-catchy pop jingle written by two home-schooled teenagers, Camille and Haley Harris (aka First Love), called “Game On.”
By the way they're cheering Santorum on, it's obvious that they're not too bothered by his homophobia, or his anti-female politics. That, or they're brainwashed by their parents. (They remind us a lot of Prussian Blue, the white nationalist pop pre-teen duo who referred to the Holocaust as a myth.)
According to the YouTube page, the song was written on March 4 until 3 a.m., and the girls woke up on March 5 to finish it. “We rushed to the studio about 30 minutes after it was done and recorded it! Matt Latta videoed this and edited it all night March 5th – 6th for Super Tuesday. We believe in Santorum's character and his ability to boldly lead this country in the right direction. We Love Rick Santorum & His family!” Uh, yeah. We hope the song works–we'd love to see that nutjob Santorum go head to head against Obama.
Read the lyrics and listen to the song after the jump.
VS 1:
GAME ON! Join the Fight
We've finally got a Man who will Stand for what is Right
GAME ON! Victory's in Sight
We've got a Man who Understands that God Gave the Bill of Rights
Oh, there is Hope for our Nation again
Maybe the First time Since we Had Ronald Reagan
There will be Justice for the Unborn
Factories back on our Shores
Where the Constitution rules our land
Yes, I Believe… Rick Santorum is our Man!
Vs 2:
GAME ON! He's got the Plan
To Lower Taxes, Raise Morale, To Put the Power in our Hands
GAME ON! Change is at hand
Faithful to his Wife and Seven Kids – He'll be Loyal to our land
Oh It's crazy, What's been slipping through our hands
When we the People are still supposed to rule this Land
Rick Understands