If you've been around OC restaurants as long as I have, you quickly realize that the best juice brand of them all is Perricone Juices–case closed. Their OJ is an orange-crate label come to life; apple juice is light, sweet, and spectacular; the lemonade sparkles like a day under the shade in a grove. What I always forget, though, is that Perricone Juices is also OC all the way, with family members still running the business and living around the county; its legendary, late patriarch, Sam Perricone kept a house in Sunset Beach for decades that remains in the famiglia.
How OC is Perricone Juices? The chi-chi Diamond Club at Angel Stadium has a drink named after the company's director of marketing, Sammy Perricone (grandson of Sam), aptly titled Sammy's Squeeze, aptly containing Perricone lemonade.
Sweet is the name of the game for Sammy's Squeeze, which also features citron-flavored vodka and Chambord, the latter giving the drink a pinkish hue and a savory bottom. And while it goes down as smooth as punch, don't underestimate the power of the Squeeze: the Diamond Club bartenders make sure that the jiggers of vodka and Chambord assert themselves against Perricone's wonderful lemonade. And while it's only exclusive right now to the Diamond Club ( and you can only get into the Diamond Club if you know a Godfather like I do–but that's another story…), I'm sure ol' Sammy wouldn't mind if you tried to make it at home. Try it, and raise a toast to the host with the most…um, awesome juice!
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