The Santa Ana City Council officially endorsed Occupy Santa Ana's goals at last night's meeting according to to the Orange County Register. The governing body passed a resolution 6-1, which stated “Members of Occupy movements throughout the nation and Santa Ana community members are frustrated by the continuing economic crisis that threatens individual, family and city finances, and our community's quality of life, and are participating in Occupy protests to make their voices heard.”
The lone dissenter in the vote was Councilmember Carlos “Busty” Bustamante who apparently still has trouble wrapping his brain around what the movement stands for. Busty's support of the One Percent is well-known (PBID, Renaissance
Plan, Chapter One: The Modern Bistro, et al), and his slobbering over
those lords borders on the pornographic. “Are you protesting successful people? Are you protesting people who work hard?” he asked. “I think probably not. Some people have said that. It doesn't make any sense to me.”