Dana Watch: Vox Daytripping

Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-Putin’s Lube-ratory) in August retweeted a notorious white nationalist’s defense of the so-called Google Manifesto. However, if you go right now to Rohrabacher’s Twitter page, the retweet no longer appears. Fortunately, I made the screen grab below before it mysteriously disappeared. The retweet also caught the eye of Atlas Forum, where it …

Circa Survive and Thrice Reunite for Decades of Post-Hardcore Greatness

Although Circa Survive finished creating The Amulet at the beginning of the year, vocalist Anthony Green hadn’t heard the finished product until he picked up a digital copy when it released in September. Sure, he’d listened to the individual songs both during and after the production process via private links, hearing one track at a …

Blood Orange: The Data Behind the Headlines of OC’s Most Controversial Police Shootings

When the two Anaheim police officers approached Manuel Diaz on a summer afternoon five years ago, he was leaning into a car, chatting with a couple of friends who were parked in an alleyway. Diaz fled on foot and turned the corner of an apartment complex on Anna Drive. He was quickly approaching the black, …

DACA’s End Supplies Fresh Meat to OC Democratic Congressional Candidates

Reaction to Tuesday’s completely unsurprising announcement by Attorney General Jeff Sessions that the Trump administration is ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program received reactions from Orange County Members of Congress and announced candidates that pretty much split along partisan lines. With one notable exception. “The status of eligible DACA recipients should not …

In the Fight to Stop Deportations, Don’t Forget About Temporary Protected Status Immigrants

By Jose Servin There’s no one way to be an undocumented immigrant. In my short time organizing with Orange County Immigrant Youth United, I’ve met folks from all walks of life who are undocumented for different reasons. Some overstay their visas while others have a U.S. citizen parent, but can’t afford the legal fees to …

Ladies Who Ride Fundraiser @ Cook’s Corner

On Aug. 20, somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 bikers turned up at Lifestyle Cycles, in Anaheim, and rode with the Lifestyle Cycles Riding Group to Cook's Corner, in Trabuco Canyon, for the annual fundraiser for Breast Cancer Solutions. In addition to drinks, BBQ, vendors and contests, Cougrzz Rock, Cabaret Con-Sensual, and TheAssGirl provided entertainment.

ScareLA @ LA Convention Center

ScareLA just celebrated its 5th year of pre-Halloween festivities. This year, the festival was held at the spacious LA Convention Center and featured an after party at the historic Clifton’s Republic (referred to, on this occasion, as Clifton’s Spookeasy).

A Gay Pastor Leaves His Santa Ana Flock, Exposing the United Methodist Church’s LGBT Rift

Hymn No. 558 in the 960-page United Methodist Hymnal is “We Are the Church,” and the chorus to this call for Christian unity echoes through the high-arched ceiling at Santa Ana United Methodist Church (UMC). It’s Pentecost, the day that commemorates when the Holy Spirit came to the Apostles, and the multicultural congregation—Latinos, Filipinos, Cambodians, …

Snitch Myth? Only To Orange County’s Reality-Denying Grand Jury

Orange County’s local law-enforcement agencies—the district attorney’s office (OCDA) and the sheriff’s department (OCSD)—spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars annually to sell stories of their heroism to the public or, as in the case of the ongoing jailhouse-informant scandal, spread disinformation. Despite reams of evidence to the contrary, the DA and sheriff adamantly deny …