The Aaron Kushner party train is going to dock anew at the Orange County Register newsroom this Monday at 4 p.m., according to my awesome sources. Last time the Kush came around, in June, he was about to execute massive buyouts to bail out his print-first strategy again–but he hadn't failed, mind you. “Everyone says our strategy has failed,” Kushner told his staff then. “Perhaps they should be saying that our strategy has not succeeded?”
On Monday, Kushner will tell his crew that, again, his strategy has not succeeded, this time leading to the demise of the Los Angeles Register and the layoffs of almost 30 people, many of them long-timers–and rumors of even more layoffs to come worrying those poor souls left on Grand Avenue.
What pablum will Kushner give his employees this time? I'll try to sneak into the newsroom by pretending to be a hipster chef promising food critic Brad A. Johnson some great fries; barring that, my awesome sources will no doubt issue field reports. Stay tuned…
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