Now that the proper time of mourning has passed, we can stop with the respectability game and report the truth: while Calvary Chapel founder Chuck Smith, who passed away from cancer last week at 86, was a titan of American Christianity, he was quite often a raving lunatic who seemed better suited to hosting Coast to Coast AM than preaching about God.
This observation isn't the bias of a godless leftist, as so many Calvary Chapel members have claimed in their hundreds of letters, comments, and phone calls sent my way after my obit last week (Santo Niño de Atocha all the way, bitches!), but facts thankfully documented in many outlets. Don't believe me? Let's go into the Wayback Machine and consider five of Papa Chuck's crazier musings. And while Calvary Chapel members will say Smith was merely following the Bible, we don't remember Pope Francis ever going gonzo like this!
5. The (Many) Times Chuck Smith Predicted the End Times…and Was Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
One of the biggest critiques Smith endured from fellow Christians was his zeal for trying to predict the End Times. In books like the appropriately titled End Times: A Report on Future Survival and numerous DVDs and commentaries, Smith would predict Jesus' coming with increasing confidence, for years pegging 1981 as the date. “From my understanding of biblical prophecies, I'm convinced that the Lord is coming for His Church before the end of 1981,” he wrote. “I could be wrong, but it's a deep conviction in my heart, and all my plans are predicated upon that belief.”
What happened? A bunch of people showed up to the Calvary Chapel mother ship in SanTana on New Year's Eve in 1981…and nothing. Eventually, someone told Chuckie to knock it off with the false prophecies, so Smith tempered his outlook, going so far as to deny he ever offered predictions–and here's the audio to prove it. Tellingly, End Times is no longer available via Calvary Chapel–you'll have to find a copy yourself at the Bookman.
4. When Chuck Smith Wished Divine Retribution on the Abused Son of One of His Pastors
One of Smith's biggest critics over the past couple of years has been Alex Grenier, the stepson of Calvary Chapel Visalia pastor Bob Grenier. Alex says Bob physically abused him as a child, and has long sought redress for it; Bob denies all charges and is suing Alex for defamation. But Smith believed Alex's charges, going so far as to meet with him then saying he has no control over any of Calvary Chapel's pastors–a lie if ever there was one.
Then it got personal. As we reported in 2011, Smith attacked Alex Grenier from the pulpit of the Calvary Chapel mother ship, cracking, “I feel sorry for the guy, because…what I could do wouldn't hurt much, but I'll tell you what the Lord can do can really…” Smith chuckled a bit, then ended, “I'm glad I have the Lord on my side.”
Coincidence or not, as Alex notes on his blog, Smith was diagnosed with cancer a month later.
3. When Chuck Smith Wished Divine Retribution on a Christianity Today Reporter
In 2007, Christianity Today published a blockbuster story investigating charges that Calvary Chapel was lax in punishing financial and sexual abusers within the church, laying the blame on an aging Smith. Smith, of course, denied all the charges–but that wasn't enough. CT reported that Smith told their reporter, “The Lord warns, 'Don't touch my anointed. Do my prophet no harm.' I think that you are trying to do harm to the work of God. I surely wouldn't want to be in your shoes.”
It'd be one thing if Chuckie told that to one of the reporters of this godless fishwrap, but Christianity Today is one of the most respected voices in Christian journalism. That didn't stop the magazine from publishing the piece, and the reporter remains in good standing on this Earth. Chuck, on the other hand…
2. When Chuck Smith Slammed Homosexuals–Which Was Always
Calvary Chapel members will say they don't hate homosexuals; just the supposed sin, and that it's just a sin among sins. If so, why did Chuck obsess over it so much? Why did he call homosexuality “the final affront against God”? Why did his words inspire congregants to organize trips to West Hollywood during the early 1990s to castigate LGBT folks? Why did Smith tell the Calvary Chapel faithful to protest whenever gay folks started being treated as actual humans via domestic-partner benefits? Why would Smith obsess about implied gayness in the Bible during his sermons? Why are Calvary Chapel members still protesting at Gay Pride events to this day? It all emanates from the top–or maybe Chuck was overcompensating for his bad treatment of the homosexual hippie who helped him to start Calvary Chapel?
Which leads us to Chuck's biggest verbal faux paux, and I can feel CCers ready to become apologetics anew…
1. When Chuck Smith Slammed Lonnie Frisbee at His Funeral
Nowadays, it's gospel among the Calvary Chapel faithful to say that Chuck Smith loved Lonnie Frisbee, the hippie who was the spark for the Calvary Chapel and Vineyard movement, like a son. That's historical revisionism; for decades, Calvary Chapel essentially wiped Frisbee's crucial contribution from the official record. In one of the oldest histories of Calvary Chapel, appearing in the Fall 1981 edition of the appropriately titled Last Times newsletter, Smith devotes all of four paragraphs to Frisbee's contributions, only mentioning him by his first name. You can learn about how the Calvary Chapel movement erased Frisbee in David Di Sabatino's excellent 2005 documentary, Frisbee: The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher, which single-handedly shamed Calvary Chapel into at least acknowledging Frisbee's presence. But, as mentioned in Coker's story on the flick, Smith couldn't help but to insult Frisbee one last time at his 1993 memorial service at the Crystal Cathedral. When Frisbee's widow told Smith that Frisbee had died of AIDS, he told the crowd, his response was, “Samson–a man who knew the powerful anointing of God's light. What could have been . . . a man who never experienced the ultimate of the potential. I often wondered what could have been.”
“The film then cuts to Lonnie's ex, Connie,” Coker wrote, “who says she had to be restrained. 'I couldn't believe someone could be so arrogant and misunderstand Lonnie so completely,' she says of Smith Sr. 'It was almost like Chuck Smith's opportunity to give Lonnie one last slam.'
Her words, not mine.
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I was there from day one. You were not. A wantabe . Do you have the inside scoop from the Holy Spirit? Obviously not. Yet this arrogant hit peace is the best you can muster. Had I had I known the crap that was going to be said here? I would not even wiped my rear with this.
We all share humanity strengths and frailties with Chuck. King David of Israel included. I have never heard God undoing His talk of testimony, “David is a man after My own heart” even after all King David’s scandals.
I just don’t understand how this critique edifies the Church. Chuck was evidently a born-again Pastor who loved God and people. His earnest and sincere desire that all men everywhere should come to the knowledge of the only True God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent was so clear to anyone who truely knows how God graciously uses mortal men. GOD USED CHUCK DURING HIS DAYS ON EARTH.
If Chuck Smith was not God’s servant then Peter the apostle and King David were never servants of God. Not even to mention Paul and his epistles of ROMANS AND GALATIANS.
And if Chuck was wrong for preaching against homosextuality, then we all need to throw away the Bible and become atheists.
Thank you.
I went to Calvary Chapel for ten solid years and then on and off for a few years after that, and, though the people on staff are loving and welcoming, my biggest disappointment is that they don’t seem to grasp the eternal security of the believer sealed into Christ by the Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 4:30. It’s long been my concern that people that believe there’s something THEY must do or not do in order to stay saved, may not be saved at all because aren’t they really just trusting their own ability to “stay saved”?
Yes. The bible should 100% be thrown away, christianity should be discarded, and we should all begin a life of atheism. Remember, we all came into the world as atheists, then theists began to tell us lies.
good artice. i went to calvary downey, but learned they are theologically challenged.
You are all screwed up like everyone else in the world so keep your negative mouth shut or something might visit you
You wanna sensor free speech? And here I thought y’all were all about freedom and free will.
I find it interesting how Chuck Smith can be blamed for so much. Maybe he had significant pull in California, but I go to a CC in Georgia. I do not feel that our church is controlled much by any other church entity. We are fairly autonomous with the exception of being bound by expository teaching and a laid back atmosphere. I don’t think what happens in a few churches should be reported as though it’s a norm in the movement. Very one sided reporting. Shame on you.
I find it interesting how Chuck Smith can be blamed for so much. Maybe he had significant pull in California, but I go to a CC in Georgia. I do not feel that our church is controlled much by any other church entity. We are fairly autonomous with the exception of being bound by expository teaching and a laid back atmosphere. I don’t think what happens in a few churches should be reported as though it’s a norm in the movement. Very one sided reporting. Shame on you.
My wife and I first encountered Chuck Smith at the Keswick Convention (in the Lake District of UK) in 1989 where he gave the morning Bible readings for the week. We were fairly new Christians and so much was new to us. Chuck’s ministry was life affirming and lifted us into the heavenly realms, full of praise for Jesus and what He had done for us (and clearly was still doing for us).
It’s more than 30 years ago now, but I still ponder on some of the testimonies and other stories he told in that week to illustrate the Scriptures, to bring them alive to us, the next generation. They have become MY sermon illustrations too, to the blessing of new generations!
Let me ask you, dear reader, how many sermons you remember in such detail so many decades later after they were spoken? I have learned over the years that words spoken in the Holy Spirit don’t die. Like meditation does to the Word, they move from the mind straight to the heart and the Word becomes part of you, never to die.
So, whatever his faults (I don’t listen to one-sided gossip – Proverbs 18:17), for me and my wife his teaching was full of light and bore much fruit. And as Jesus said, “By their fruit ye shall know them.”
I worked directly with Chuck Smith, attended his church, worked at Maranatha Music, Asaph Records, and Calvary Chapel Ministries starting in 1977, and through the 80’s and into the early 90’s.
This article is correct. Chuck is not the hero, he was an incredibly flawed and egotistical narcissist that was at his peak standing on a crate preaching street corners. The entire organization was riddled with corruption and scandal. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the truth.
Too he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Let god be true and every man a liar!
I believe we should stay focused on Jesus and His given Spirit and allow Him to work through these flawed vessels of clay that his good news of His great kingdom be preached throughout eternity. For any of us that have experienced the “Jesus”movement
have discovered-He is our greatest reward and He removes our sins as far as the east is from the west-A creation created for works in Jesus The Christ
Chuck has passed away. Let God be the judge. I dont appreciate any negativity going on about Chuck Smith. This is 2023 and that’s all people have to do is find dirt? Check your own eye. And lets move on keeping our eyes on Jesus and allowing Jesus to work on our own dirt to help us to clean up our own act and be acceptable to the Lord. . Jesus loves everyone even Chuck Smith. So lets share the Love of the Lord to others. I always loved Chuck Smith’s teaching. It was meat to my soul and I matured in the Lord. Let the Lord be the judge. I have been with Calvary Chapel in Colorado since 1975 and I still listen to Chuck Smith’s teachings.
Chuck has passed away. Let God be the judge. I dont appreciate any negativity going on about Chuck Smith. This is 2023 and that’s all people have to do is find dirt? Check your own eye. And lets move on keeping our eyes on Jesus and allowing Jesus to work on our own dirt to help us to clean up our own act and be acceptable to the Lord. . Jesus loves everyone even Chuck Smith. So lets share the Love of the Lord to others. I always loved Chuck Smith’s teaching. It was meat to my soul and I matured in the Lord.. I have been with Calvary Chapel in Colorado since 1975 and I still listen to Chuck Smith’s teachings.
I didn’t realize this was a hit piece when I clicked to read it. Frankly I think its pretty sad and pathetic. Clearly you are angry that Chuck didn’t make any excuses for homosexuality. He called it like he read it in scripture and that’s that.
I was involved at Calvary Chapel from the early days then we moved away after some years but Chuck was my pastor and he always will be.
My 2 cents… My brothers company did the landscape maintenance at CCCM for over 20 years. As soon as Chuck died, they fired him and obviously found someone cheaper. So my brothers biz partner knew Chuck very well and always got along good with him , even though he did not attend CCCM. However, I was shocked to learn his family fighting over not only the church, but get this, also his CLASSIC CAR COLLECTION! What the? Any and all money he made originated from that church! So if he sold a million copies of a book he wrote , it was because HIS CHURCH MEMBERS BOUGHT A COPY. So at what point did Chuck determine that ” this is my money and i earned it and will buy what i want with it” ?IMO no pastor who truly loves God, and people who are homeless and starving ,who may not know Jesus, should own a classic car or especially a collection of them! Another thing the CC SCHOOLING has raked in millions over the years. I had a good friend who was kicked out of THIER SCHOOL, WHO ADMITTED HE DID WRONG AND WANTED HELP AND TO STAY AT THE SCHOOL , BUT THEY STILL KICKED HIM OUT! So you go along with everything we say and tell you to do, OR YOUR OUT OF HERE !!! WOW ! Another fun fact over looked …. was that KING JAMES ALSO WAS THE AUTHOR OF A NOT SO CHRISTIAN BOOK TITLED, ” DEMONOLOGY”! Should we really be using his “version” of the Bible as our go to source ??
Reason why I rededicated my life after being gripped by sin for over 40 years was the voice of Chuck Smith , although it was Pastor Chuck Laurie speaking. No doubt there best interests is for people to get to know God and they don’t sugar coat what it takes to make a commitment to Christ and lead a life of Spiritual growth. Being saved is just the beginning and maybe people want to bash those who our trying to help a person to grow , because they have lost there way and our rationalizing and justifying there own excuses because being pure as God is pure is not an easy task and it takes humility to know that we all fall short and Chuck wasn’t a perfect person, but that didn’t stop him from pressing forward and trying to reach everyone he could!
Good or bad, right or wrong, true or untrue.
Chuck Smith did more to help people, then this, or any of his critics could ever hope to do. He was only human, with all the same problems and weaknesses as any one. The difference was the amount of good he did do in the world. Regardless of his mistakes, overall he was a positive influence.
David’s sins, a man favored by God, makes any sins Chuck Smith may have done seem pretty small. He was a very big, good and positive influence on me, and millions of others around the world. Even to this day ten years after his death! And will continue to be for many years to come! The world could use a lot more Chuck Smith’s!
I always try to remember the saying:
When your pointing your finger at someone and criticizing, there are three fingers pointing back at you!
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