Around the halls of the Weekly, we love us some Grant Cotter. We've watched this OC native go from the stand-up stage, to MTV, and now, to winning himself some time on one of the most stacked comedy tours that we've ever seen, the Oddball Comedy and Curiosity Festival. Proud? Hell yeah. Do we still want to pick on him though? Totally. So while we wait for the big event this weekend that includes Louis C.K., Sarah Silverman, Chris Hardwick, Aziz Ansari, Jeff Ross, and Marc Maron among others, we tapped him to pick on his act. Or better yet, pick apart his act. It's not an easy feat to critique material that you have written yourself but, we knew that Grant would be up for the challenge and nail it to the wall.
5- Straight Jacket Prank
I'm really proud of this prank because I legit wiggled out of the straight jacket. It might be one of my proudest moments as an adult. The cops came twice and kept asking me if I was “Ashton Kutcher-ing” them. I did so much stuff for this prank that didn't even make it to air. I smoked a strangers cigarette, a woman tried to baptize me on the street, and the thing I'm most bummed about that didn't make it to air, a kid to let me ride his skateboard and I kickflipped on my first try like a boss. Ironically, we were randomly filming in front of a restaurant called “Thai'd Up” but I don't know what kind of food they served.
4- Grant Cotter vs. Heckler
This was at one of my first “headlining” shows which in this case meant, I went last after six other comics. I was 20 minutes into my set and this dude who looked as if he belonged in the front row of a Smashmouth concert at the Pomona Fairgrounds happened to be in the front row of my show. Oh man, what does that say about my comedy? Smashmouth and I have something in common other than both being all-stars? Anyway, he admitted to me that he drank a 4-pack of those cool $3 black out inducing 7-11 caffeinated malt liquor specials called “Sparx” so you know he was on a different level. My favorite part is how the crowd all turned against him the same way they turn against the guy who denies being the baby daddy on Maury. He was the worst kind of heckler, the kind that thinks they are adding to the show. He even came up to me after the show and said, “I was pretty good, right?”
3- Photo Girl
I like this bit because nine out of ten times a girl will come up to me after the show and say, “OMG I am Claudia” and I am like, “Yo! I know!” I'm kidding, I don't say that but I do think that sometimes. Everybody has seen this scenario happen and you are probably secretly guilty of this yourself. Well, unless you're a dude because we don't care about that kind of stuff right? Sometimes I feel bad because when I tell this joke I will look into the crowd and see a group of girls at a table and the minute I say Claudia, they all look at the girl at their table who is the “Claudia.” Pro tip: No filter can hide your ugly friend but you can for sure crop them out.
2- Jerk With A Van
What you don't see in this video is the huge “Monsanto/No GMO” protest happening in the background. I convinced a protester to come to the van under the pretense that I had some markers and poster to make protest signs. When she saw that I lied to her, she gave me a stern talking to about ethics and morals and got pretty teary eyed. It didn't make it to air because she was like, 47, and they don't want people that old on the network. Also, I would like to add that my outfit is on point and I should be on a best dressed list somewhere for this video.
1- Street Magician
This is the video that I submitted to get on Jerks with Cameras. I wasted people's time on Hollywood Blvd., I had one girl there for 40 minutes. People will do anything if a camera is rolling. I think this video is important for the Internet to have because it teaches you about how dangerous South Carolina can be. My dad was upset with this video because he really likes magic and was bummed I was mocking it. That's why I probably became a comedian…because I have a dad that thinks magic is cool. Comedy comes from pain.
Get your tickets to see Grant at the Oddball Comedy and Curiosity Festival Sunday September 13th and 14th at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, 8808 Irvine Center Drive in Irvine, (949) 855-8095. For tickets go to Be on the lookout for Grant on Last Call with Carson Daly in the next few weeks and more info, check out his website and follow him on Twitter @GrantCotter.
See also:
Steve-O Found a Way to Work Manginas Into His Stand-Up Comedy
10 Douchiest Guitarists of All Time
10 Douchiest Drummers of All Time
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Ali Lerman knows much about comedy, basketball, and celebrating Wu-Tang Wednesday. She’s been writing for sixteen years and still calls her mom with grammatical questions.