Here in SoCal, unless you're a huge weather nerd or have family where there's actually weather, our wild guess is that you're not an avid watcher of The Weather Channel.
Seems that producers are hoping to change that. In an effort to boost its viewership, the channel has ventured into the great abyss we love (and love to hate): reality TV.
A new series called Lifeguard! follows the men and women who guard the Southern California coastline. But don't expect blondes in red bathing suits bobbling on the sand in slow motion. The show seems pretty Cops-esque, chronicling the dangers that lifeguards face every day.
The show kicks off in Newport Beach, telling the story of Matt Mina, a 17-year-old visiting from Virginia who was buried alive in five feet of sand for a half hour–and survived.
Lifeguard! debuts on The Weather Channel on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 9 p.m. See a sneak peek here:
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81. “Venäläisen IL-20 tiedustelukoneen lento [lähellä Ruotsia ja Suomea]( ja Gripen- sekä Eurofighter-hävittäjien väliintulo heijastavat alueellisen turvallisuuden jännitteitä ja ilmatilan valvonnan tärkeyttä. Se muistuttaa meitä jatkuvasta tarpeesta valppauteen ja diplomaattiseen vuoropuheluun turvallisuusuhkien vähentämiseksi.”