This Week In Food: Luxe Lonchera Porn, Getting “Whited” at a Restaurant, and Four Loko-Run Cars?!

The first week of the year is done–just 100 more to go before the Mayan calendar finishes! To get your mind off that horrible deadline, the best of last week after the jump!


Dave sparked a lot of conversations this week–his post on great South County bagels, an interview with birfer godmother Orly Taitz and his brilliant coining of a new term to describe how non-ethnics get treated at ethnic restaurants: “whited.” But can a Mexican get whited?

Edwin went On the Line with one of the Bruxie guys, found a new Okinawan restaurant in Tustin, and reported on a company trying to turn the already-mythologized Four Loko drink into ethanol for cars.

My big contribution to our food section wasn't on the blog, but rather our cover story this week: the history of the El Torito chain. But I also put two great potato tacos against each other; reported that activists are trying to convince the Board of Supervisors to allow the homeless, disabled and elderly to use food stamps at restaurants; and tried to make sense of a report that doesn't list Orange County as a great place to open a fast-food franchise.

Michelle, meanwhile, enjoyed curry udon. And Shuji railed against those imperial Brits messing with how big a beer vessel can be.

Happy eating!

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