Tokyo Table’s large corner building commands attention, but that’s not why it’s one of my favorite places to dine in Irvine. The restaurant’s innovative style features a menu full of traditional and non-traditional Japanese dishes, some so unusual you just have to try, like the Bomb Sushi Pizza.
When I saw this item on the menu I didn’t know what to expect—just that I had to have it. Arriving 15 minutes later on a raised wooden plate was an open-faced sushi roll crusted with seaweed and sticky rice. Dime-sized pieces of succulent lobster, buttery salmon, and rich scallops layer the pizza before being topped with my favorite part: fresh crab meat. Then it’s onions, jalapeños, bake, bake, bake, and just enough spicy dynamite sauce to leave a burning sensation on your lips. The best pizza in Irvine is at a Japanese spot—who knew?
2710 Alton Pkwy., #101, Irvine, (949) 263-0000;