Hecklers used to slyly conceal rotten fruit inside their purses or under their coats when entering venues, planning to assault performers who failed to entertain. But, nowadays, people just hurl their tomatoes about with no regard for tradition or reason. Times they are a-changing! This weekend, join nearly 5,000 new-fangled tomato-hurling hooligans during the Tomato Battle at Irvine Lake and get your fruit-flinging fix. Featuring nearly 300,000 pounds of past-ripe tomatoes, scads of live music and beer, glorious beer, this year’s tomato battle has you making more than just a mess—you’re making sloppy, sticky memories, too. Please note: throwing fruit at the performers is discouraged. An extra set of clothing, well-treaded shoes and a strong desire to be covered in a ketchup-like substance, however, are encouraged.
Sat., July 13, 12-6 p.m., 2013