UPDATED, FEB. 13, 6:35 A.M.: It appears 20 police officers from at least four agencies, with two canines and a helicopter didn't get their man Friday night. That's according to the Orange County Register.
At 10 p.m., officers from La Habra, Placentia, Brea and Fullerton had surrounded a neighborhood near La Habra Boulevard and Dexter Street in the city of La Habra. They were searching for Armando Luna, 25, who along with another suspect, 36-year-old Alfredo Luna, allegedly fled a vehicle after La Habra police attempted to pull them over.
Both were suspects in a home-invasion robbery.
The Weekly managed to watch the house-to-house manhunt from a distance, but officers on scene declined to comment about the activity. Several bystanders said cops had chased the men following a robbery in Fullerton.
Citing police sources, the Register reported yesterday that the chase in fact began in La Habra. Officers received a call at 8:30 p.m. about a home-invasion robbery in the 600 block of North Bedford Street.
An unnamed officer told the Reg that the suspects were armed with knives and stole “miscellaneous property.” As they left the residence, they reportedly saw a man getting into a nearby vehicle, then forced him to drive them away from the scene at knifepoint.
Police spotted the suspects minutes later and attempted to pull the car over near Hot Shots Bar & Grill, where the two suspects fled on foot.
Dexter Street resident, 42-year-old Damien Medina, told the Weekly he had gone to a nearby restaurant to get food when he received a frantic cell phone call from his girlfriend who was back at the house. She said she heard someone rattling at the back door. Medina raced home to find police had closed off his street. By then, they had Alfredo in custody.
Though officers spent the next several hours securing and searching the neighborhood, they didn't arrest Armando until sometime yesterday morning at his home.
Both men have been charged with robbery, kidnapping and carjacking.
ORIGINAL POST, FEB. 11, 2012 1:35 A.M.: As many as 20 police officers from La Habra, Placentia, Brea and Fullerton converged on the intersection of La Habra Boulevard and Dexter Street in the city of La Habra last night around 10 p.m. Accompanied by two canines and a circling helicopter, they closed off a large section of the neighborhood there.
Though police on scene wouldn't comment, several bystanders said officers were pursuing two men involved in a car chase, which started in Fullerton, and ended in a foot pursuit near Hot Shots Sports Bar & Grill.
“Some guys running from the cops were in my backyard,” said 42-year-old Damien Medina, who lives on Dexter.
Medina said he had been getting food at a nearby restaurant when he received a frantic cell phone call from his girlfriend who was at the Dexter house. She said she heard someone rattling the back door.
Medina quickly returned to the street, which by that time was swarming with law enforcement. Police had one man, a Latino male in his 30s in custody and were looking for another. After telling the police about the call from his girlfriend, Medina says officers went to his house and escorted the young woman, who was unharmed, to safety.
For more than an hour, officers–some armed with shotguns–could be seen moving house-to-house along the dark street. After 11p.m., one of the suspects was driven away in a cruiser and an officer was heard telling residents they would be allowed back to their homes shortly.
A La Habra watch commander wasn't available for comment.