UPDATE: A Sims-style video based on the police account of the two murders Daniel Wozniak has been accused of carrying out has been posted on YouTube. More details throughout . . .
The video was created for NMA World Edition, the YouTube page for Taiwan-based Next Media Animation, “the largest full-service 3D animation studio in Asia.” They boast of supplying
“animation-to-order to some of the biggest entertainment and news
providers around the world.”
NMA certainly turns its work around quickly, as evidenced by the video above and others the animators have posted based on such recent news events as Israeli soldiers storming a Gaza Strip aid convoy, the massive, tropical storm-created sink hole in Guatemala and the killing of three judges in China by a man who then took his own life.
But what is shown above may only be the second-most controversial video connected to the Wozniak case.
The online news site Yes, But, However! has posted video of a promotion Wozniak, his fiancee Rachel Buffett and two other young actors did for an Orange County Theatre Group production earlier this year of the college musical The Green Room.
The same video has been removed from YouTube and any of the troupe's sites or social network pages. The online comments include a demand that the video be removed from Yes, But, However! as well.
“YOU stole this video and YOU MODIFIED IT from its original state. YOU
DO NOT have permission to use this video. you must remove it… OCTC,” states Hunter Dion.
But a fan of the site identifying himself as Steven Moser defends the posting of the video, pointing out Wozniak made himself newsworthy, Buffett is also through no fault of her own and its use is consistent with fair use rules governing news organizations' ability to use copyrighted material.
Moser also notes that promotional videos made by the “BTK Killer” were also shown by news organizations.
“Personally, I find the above footage compelling, because Wozniak seems
so damn amiable, funny, and ordinary,” Moser writes. “He comes off as no different than
every stocky, jovial actor I've ever encountered in 10 years of doing
improv in LA. Watching the footage, it's chilling to think that such
a person was apparently capable of such horrific evil.”
The accompanying Yes, But, However! text may be more important because it provides still more clues as to who the suspected killer and the murder victims, Costa Mesa 26-year-old Samuel Eliezer Herr and Irvine 23-year-old Juri “Julie” Kibuishi (OC Homicides Nos. 19 and 22), were.
These have now been added to the list below that is also based on press statements released by police and prosecutors, reports here and here in the Orange County Register, and information gleaned from social networking sites.
- Wozniak was arrested Wednesday at his bachelor party in an unspecified Huntington Beach restaurant.
- He was originally believed to be an accomplice of Herr, who police at first thought raped and shot Kibuishi and fled.
- Herr had served with the Army's 173rd Airborne, with tours in
Afghanistan and Germany. He left the military last summer, and was
attending Orange Coast College on the G.I. Bill, with the hope of
earning a college degree and rejoining the Army as an officer. - Kibuishi was Herr's tutor and friend.
- Herr's father, Steven, went to his son's apartment because he had not heard from the young man in several days.
- After discovering Kibuishi's nude body and calling police, the father pleaded with officers that his son could not be responsible for such a heinous crime. But, since Herr was gone, he was the lone suspect.
- Police are sticking with financial gain as Wozniak's motive. Though $2,000 had slowly been drained from Herr's account, the dead man's father revealed he had about $15,000 saved.
- The Woz apparently owed money to everyone and was about to be evicted from his apartment for failure to pay rent–about a week or so before he was to marry Buffett.
- At some point after being arrested, Wozniak inflicted a head injury on himself. His father, Daryl, revealed his son had attempted suicide.
- He is alleged to have confessed his crimes to police and told them where they could find Herr's remains.
- After spending some time in Western Medical Center, Wozniak was sent to Orange County Jail, where he is being held without bail on two felony counts of special circumstances murder.
- The
special circumstance sentencing enhancements include multiple murders,
murder for financial gain, and the personal discharge of a firearm
causing death. - With the special circumstances, prosecutors could seek the death penalty against him. But Orange County District Attorney media advisories so far only mention he will be eligible for life in state prison without the possibility of parole if convicted.
- Herr was shot at point-blank range in the theater at the Los Alamitos Joint Training Base.
- His torso was found Thursday in the theater's attic.
Wozniak once performed in the theater. - Police believe the Woz disposed of Herr's head,
left arm and right hand at El
Dorado Park. They have only announced Saturday's discovery of the head. - At a hearing Tuesday, the Woz's arraignment was postponed until June 25.
- He was assigned a public defender.
- Orange
County Superior Court Judge Stephanie George revealed the Woz was on
probation at the time of the alleged crime, and court records show he
pleaded guilty in September 2009 to a misdemeanor count of driving with a
blood-alcohol level exceeding .08. - Among those who attended Tuesday's hearing was Woz's fiancee, Rachel Buffett, a local theater actress he was scheduled to marry on Friday.
- Our earlier report included a message Woz sent friends urging them to attend the final weekend performances of Nine, a Hunger Artists Theater Company' musical in Fullerton the couple starred in. They apparently met at Hunger Artists.
- Buffett's 28-year-old brother, Noah David Buffett of Long Beach, and Wozniak's brother, Timothy
Wozniak, were originally arrested on suspicion of accessory after the fact for allegedly helping dispose of evidence other than the body. They have since been freed and charges have been dropped. - He became Facebook friends with Kibuishi some time between March 22 and
April 5. - Wozniak has 351 other Facebook friends. Among them is Tim Wozniak, Costa Mesa
Playhouse, Long Beach Playhouse, Los Al Griffin, and Long Beach's 4th Street Vine, whose own Facebook friends include former OC Weeklings Ellen
Griley and Daffodil Altan.
- Kibuishi, who had 755 Facebook friends, posted on her page that she enjoyed writing poetry, designing her own clothes, hanging out with close friends and listening to music.
- She liked Lady Gaga, the Twilight saga books and America's Next Top Model.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.