UPDATE, JAN. 5, 9:08 A.M.: We should be used to this on Planet Octomom, where up is down, black is white, fiction is truth, employment is fantasy and whipping a fat guy in a diaper is appropriate parental behavior. And so, it comes as no surprise that the former porn star-turned-entertainment manager Nadya Suleman said she fired has fired back that, no, what actually happened was La Habra's single mother of 14 was dropped as a client.
“I cannot comment on the situation with Ms. Suleman,” Gina Rodriguez reportedly said, “but I can say I am happy we are no longer working together.”
The heavy lifting was left for Rodriguez's employer, DD Entertainment (hmmm, wonder what that name refers to?), whose unnamed spokesman apparently told the Huffington Post's Naughty But Not Nice Rob, “”In the past four months, we had grown to become less tolerant of
Nadya. We would contact Nadya on a daily basis
for work and would never get a reply, especially if it was a charity.
When we would hear from Nadya late at night or super early in the
morning, it was to beg for money and not to address the jobs we had for
What the . . . Refusing to work and begging for money? Does that sound like the Nads we've come to know and loathe, er, love since she spit out eight babies a couple years ago?
Things between DD and NS apparently came to a head when the company wanted to give her children Christmas gifts and the constantly crying poor mom refused to allow it, which is her right, of course. Suleman later explained to the HuffPo gossiper that Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus Christ in her household and the kids get one gift each from her. That's actually admirable. What isn't are the falsehoods and accusations that came out of her mouth regarding Rodriguez, given the confirmation Suleman gave that she was axed as a client:
“I take full responsibility for allowing miscommunication and
misunderstanding to escalate to this extent. I hope
Gina will accept my apology. I perceive this to be a learning experience
and Gina has been instrumental in helping me learn and grow. I am very
grateful for all she has done and will hopefully continue to do for me
and my family.”
ORIGINAL POST, DEC. 4, 4:15 P.M.: Octomom Nadya Suleman's first scheduled advice webcast was
postponed last month because La Habra's single mother of 14 says she was
dealing with technical issues.
Now, Nads really has web woes as
her Facebook, Twitter and Ustream accounts have all faded to back,
something she blames not on unpaid bills but retaliation by her fired
manager, former porn star Gina Rodriguez.
Radar Online has the scoop.
Besides repping Suleman, Rodriguez has earned, ahem, fame by doing the nasty for cameras as Demi Delia, being linked romantically to actor David Boreanaz and turning up on Tiger Woods' scorecard.
“I fired my manager today and she's a little upset so she shut down all my profiles online,” Suleman reportedly explained to Radar. “I chose not to work with her anymore. New year, new beginning.”
She goes on to admit to not being technically saavy, which is a bummer because not only must she figure out how to restore her Facebook and Twitter but Ustream and YouTube accounts that allowed her to carry her Sunday advice series.
You know, the one of few hits and mucho glitches.
Oh, come now, surely you remember how she was being paid “six figures” to host it despite scant advertising to support such a paycheck.
Anyway, until Nads can get her shit together, the invisible producers ought to consider outsourcing to China, where there is a new babaotai muqin or octomom. It may be too much to expect she's a fitness-financial-child-development genius like Natalie, tho.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.