I am, for the most part, not one for food mashups. Cronuts? Meh. Ramen burgers? Eh. Pizookies? Only when I'm in the mood. But I have to admit, there's one food mashup that's piqued my interest lately — the Pizza Cake.
I mean, just look at it. Holy shit. It's kind of late for an April Fools joke guys (this is a joke, right?)
Well, joke or not, you, dear reader, can help make the pizza cake happen.
How? Well, the pizza cake (what is really six pizzas baked.. as a cake) is one of eight “innovations” currently up for vote on Boston Pizza's special snazzily made if not slightly hard to use pizza game changer website in celebration of their 50th anniversary.The innovation (there's also some kind of dumb napkin, a gasoline-powered pizza cutter, and some mints) that receives the most votes will actually get made the company.
I want the pizza cake to win just so I can see how it's going to be made without liberal use of the clone stamp.
And just in case the pizza cake does happen and somehow does roll out? Well, the only two Boston Pizza locations in California are in Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana, so hey, that's not a horrible drive.
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You can also follow Charles Lam on Twitter @charlesnlam. He's less sardonic there, we swear.