Letters may be edited for clarity and length. E-mail to le*****@oc******.com, or send to Letters to the Editor, c/o OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Or fax to (714) 550-5908.
This time OCWeeklyhas gone too far. My wife and I were deeply offended at the bare breasts portrayed by Der Gubenator on the cover of your last issue [Rebecca Schoenkopf's “Capitol Punishment,” June 3]. It's obvious you have lost the last smidgen of decency you had left. If you were on radio or television, we would get the FCC on you. Think of the damage being done to society. At a minimum, at least put a bra on those thangs! He's earned at least a “D,” wouldn't you say? Great article. Keep exposing Arnold in any way possible.
Hey, Rebecca, sorry we missed you when you were in Sacramento. Your travelogue in the last issue made our morning. There were tears of laughter.
Best issue ever! I forwarded quite a few of the links to my leftie friends. Rebecca Schoenkopf is awesome and deserves a raise!
Rebecca Schoenkopf, I'm just mortified at your article. I can't believe that you are a senior editor. You need to go back to school. I happen to think the governor is doing a wonderful job. I don't remember you printing an article about Gray Davis when he sold California down the river. So you know what? All you people at OCWeeklyneed to stop your hate for the Republican Party. Because that's all you liberals do is hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. And you should get a life and go back to school and learn how to write. Your journalism blows, severely blows.
Editor responds:While we take your comments to heart—we have made up our mind to sign up for that ceramics class we've always talked about taking—we believe you haven't really read our paper much. Oh, it's not about the part where we blow; any half-wit can see that, as you well know. No, we're talking about the part where you wonder why Rebecca didn't go after Gray Davis. For most of Davis' time as governor, Rebecca bashed him in our paper for having betrayed families, women, liberals and the Democratic Party. She found him “dour” and called him “a big, fat vagina,” and not the good kind of big, fat vagina. Another thing. Growing up, did you get a lot of people who'd call you Chris Kling-on and want to talk to you aboutStar Trek? Bet that sucked. Oh, and were there people who gave you the nickname of “Peaches” and wouldn't stop no matter how much you begged them? Kids can be so cruel. Well, anyway, thanks for the letter, Peaches. Live long and prosper.
“Renee Zellweger, in a flurry of coy simpers and the usual squeezed-lemons grimace . . .” Finally! After decades of racking my brain and ransacking my poverty-stricken vocabulary, I have found the phrase that accurately describes Zellweger's stultifying countenance [“Punch Drunk Schmaltz,” June 3]. Thank you, Ella Taylor. Thank you, oh thank you.
Hey, OCWeakly.Please send Steve “With-Appeasement-and-Mass-Graves-for-All” Lowery and Rebecca “Neo-Marxist-Zoom-Dweebie” Shizzledizzle on working vacations to Havana or North Korea. Their journaleftist bullshit clogs up the flow of the five billion plastic surgery ads.
In your Summer Guide, you mistakenly reported that West St. Beach, South Laguna's world-famous gay and lesbian beach, is down “l,000 stairs” at Ninth Street in South Laguna [Nick Schou's “Three 'Public' Beaches and How the Public Can Actually Get to Them,” May 20]. Actually, it's a four-minute walk north on the beach below the West Street stairway and signal on Pacific Coast Highway. It is the biggest expanse of sand in Laguna. The Boom Boom Beach and Garden of Peace and Love at the end of Mountain Road (1400 S. Coast Hwy.) is also popular and has the friendliest stairway in Laguna. Free summer trolleys and buses with rainbow flags go to both of these beaches daily from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. from July 5 through Labor Day. OCTA bus route No. 1 stops at both beaches on their route between Long Beach and South San Clemente. Other friendly, cruisey spots in Laguna include Heisler Park, which runs for a half mile north of Las Brisas restaurant directly north of Main Beach, and the boardwalk at Main Beach Park in downtown Laguna. Heisler Park is especially interesting in the evenings.
Of all the tributes I read on Memorial Day, I think OC Weekly's was by far the most powerful [Steve Lowery's “Memorial Day 2005,” May 27]. The simple respect you showed those who sacrificed everything juxtaposed with those who've done nothing but lie while bringing sadness and misery to the country touched me deeply. Thank you.
I would like to thank OCWeeklyfor their coverage of what's been going on in the Orange County Sheriff's Department [R. Scott Moxley's “Internal Affairs,” May 27]. It was very disturbing to read, but as taxpaying citizens we have a right to know about corruption of any kind involving our law enforcement and elected officials.
In Theo Douglas's “Before and After” [June 10], the Barrick Corporation is referred to as “known for its Golden Nugget casino.” Barrick actually owns the Golden Nugget in Laughlin, Nevada.